Shake and bake meth instructions video

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This is methheads original report uncut, word for word, the only modifications were to clarify and add some corrections he posted at a later date concerning the ratios, and punctuation to make it more readable since the BBS format is now a letter style.
Added Notes: are in red italics

Step 1- Prepare pseudo
Start with your pills, crush them in a grinder. Put the powder into a large washed out Gatorade jug. Make sure you wash jug with distilled water only. One thousand 60-mg pills will yield 1 ounce of chili, at a 50% return. Next, add distilled water to the powder, and shake. Let settle for a minute or two, and siphon off the water.

Repeat steps, until you cannot taste the pseudo anymore. The pseudo has a bitter taste to it. Now, make sure that you filter the liquid through coffee filters until the liquid is completely clear.

When you have achieved this, boil it down until its real low and put on medium heat. Continue cooking it down, until your pseudo starts drying out, and then finish with a blow dryer. Remember not to burn your pseudo. Scrape the powder into a small pile, and put into another washed out Gatorade jug.

Then add Methanol. You will notice that a binder comes out with the methanol, but was clear in the water. Siphon, and filter, until this is clear. I use about eight bottles of Heet brand methanol for every 4000 pills. Again, filter until clear, then put on stove and boil. This time, use a fan to blow on the top of your glass bowl to make sure it doesn't spill over and catch fire. Do the same thing that you did with the first batch, low heat, and blow dry. Now you'll have pure Pseudo. The reason for the water pull is to make sure you remove all the wax, that the wax is completely soluble in methanol.

I forgot to mention that when using the water, make sure it is ICE cold. Then, the methanol will bring out the last binder, which is soluble in water.
Many recommend soaking in denatured or methanol first, filter, evaporate
Dissolve ephedrine in water, then place in freezer for an hour, filter it semi frozen (takes about 30 minutes)

Step 2- push pull tanks
Okay, now you should have your pseudo ready to go, just remember the ratios that I give you. Okay. Now to make the push/pull, the best thing about it, is the fact that since it's enclosed, there is no smell and the process only takes an hour or so.