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This is methheads original report uncut, word for word, the only modifications were to clarify and add some corrections he posted at a later date concerning the ratios, and punctuation to make it more readable since the BBS format is now a letter style.
Added Notes: are in red italics
Step 1- Prepare pseudo
Start with your pills, crush them in a grinder. Put the powder into a large washed out Gatorade jug. Make sure you wash jug with distilled water only. One thousand 60-mg pills will yield 1 ounce of chili, at a 50% return. Next, add distilled water to the powder, and shake. Let settle for a minute or two, and siphon off the water.
Repeat steps, until you cannot taste the pseudo anymore. The pseudo has a bitter taste to it. Now, make sure that you filter the liquid through coffee filters until the liquid is completely clear.
When you have achieved this, boil it down until its real low and put on medium heat. Continue cooking it down, until your pseudo starts drying out, and then finish with a blow dryer. Remember not to burn your pseudo. Scrape the powder into a small pile, and put into another washed out Gatorade jug.
Then add Methanol. You will notice that a binder comes out with the methanol, but was clear in the water. Siphon, and filter, until this is clear. I use about eight bottles of Heet brand methanol for every 4000 pills. Again, filter until clear, then put on stove and boil. This time, use a fan to blow on the top of your glass bowl to make sure it doesn't spill over and catch fire. Do the same thing that you did with the first batch, low heat, and blow dry. Now you'll have pure Pseudo. The reason for the water pull is to make sure you remove all the wax, that the wax is completely soluble in methanol.
I forgot to mention that when using the water, make sure it is ICE cold. Then, the methanol will bring out the last binder, which is soluble in water.
Many recommend soaking in denatured or methanol first, filter, evaporate
Dissolve ephedrine in water, then place in freezer for an hour, filter it semi frozen (takes about 30 minutes)
Step 2- push pull tanks
Okay, now you should have your pseudo ready to go, just remember the ratios that I give you. Okay. Now to make the push/pull, the best thing about it, is the fact that since it's enclosed, there is no smell and the process only takes an hour or so.
This you use to run into a sink, or shower, or empty container, because sometimes iodine water will get pushed out from the reaction. Make sure you use a hose clamp and hot glue to secure it tightly. Next, take the can on the left, and attach a clear, BRAIDED, hose to the air inlet. This hose will be attached to the stopper on the flask. It has to be braided, so that it will not collapse when the heat and pressure build up on the final reaction phase. Make sure that you use a hose clamp, and some hot glue to attach, because you do not want it to come loose.
Once this is down, fill one of the gas cans with 2-1/4 gallons of distilled water. Then stand the gas cans on end, so that the air inlets are up, and the U connection you made with the spouts are on the bottom. Attaching the hose to the stopper can be a bit tricky.
The 2-1/4 gallons is spread out between the two tanks so that each tank has 1-1/8 gallons in it
I use a threaded PVC connector. PVC will not deteriorate from the acids, or the heat. There's a special name for the type of connector I use, so it would be best if I go find out what it is and let you know, because the way it's threaded, it won't get pushed out of the stopper. You can build this setup for around 30 American dollars from parts at home depot. I shall return later with the name. Anyway, after you have connected the hose to the stopper, you are almost ready to go. The reason you have distilled water in the cans is so that you can create a pressure. The push comes from the contents forcing out oxygen, the pull comes from a complete hydrogen state, and after the final reaction, it tries to "breathe" back in oxygen. Use distilled water, because sometimes the pull is so hard, that it actually sucks water, back into the flask.
Take the flask and first dump in the R. Then, dump in the E. Add 3 small capfuls of distilled water. If you are using re-used R, then add a small bump of hydrogen peroxide. Okay, now this part is the best. Add in the I2, but be sure to hurry up and stopper the flask. Then use duct tape to wrap around the stopper and neck of flask, to ensure it does not pop off on you. Now, pick up the flask and stir the contents.
Some prefer to mix E and I2 together, chill slightly then drop in the Red P, mix well if it does not fire off add 2 ml of water / oz of ephedrine, seal, shake well
Use mild heating if it still has not fired off
Phase 1
Sometimes it is quick, and sometimes its not, but the contents inside should start getting liquid. If it happens quickly, the contents will appear to start to grow. Shake more; in order to calm it down, because you do not want a fast reaction. You should notice that the water is pushing, and air maybe coming out the right side gas can. Keep stirring and shaking till the entire contents are liquid. If you look inside the flask, you will notice tiny little sprinkles everywhere in the mix. This is caused by the I2 reacting with the RP, and creating Hydriodic acid. Keep your eye on it. You will notice that at first, you have to stir the contents to calm it down. Then after about 15 minutes, it calms down on its own. Then, you have to stir to keep the reaction going. Let this stirring go on for about half an hour or so. Then, get a large stainless steel stock pot, and one of those portable electric stoves. Make sure you use the low burning side. I went ahead and tested my reaction heat by getting a candy thermometer, and placing the stock pot on the stove and turning it on, I've noticed that you don't ever want your heat to get higher than 180 degrees, and that you should start cooking at 150 degrees. Test your stove out before you cook, and look at the dial on the stove, as to where the certain degrees are. Now, place the stock pot on the stove, at 150 degrees, and place the flask in the pot. Pick up the flask every few minutes and keep stirring, replacing the flask back in the pot. After about half an hour of this, (making it 1 hour total cook time), turn up the heat somewhat and keep the stirring process up. You will notice that the contents will get liquid, and a yellow film will be inside.
The mix will look like it wants to grow inside the flask. After a few more shakes, let it go you will notice that more air and water will get pushed out of the gas can and the reaction will get violent.
Phase 2
At this stage, I usually throw a towel over the top of the flask, because I have had accidents before, like the hose coming out of the stopper and contents are sprayed everywhere. When the push/pull is a rocking away, then unplug the stove and let it go. When the pushing has stopped, check the flask. The contents should have grown, and filled the entire flask and a swirling green/white smoke should fill the flask.
The green white smoke may appear yellowish or reddish.
there is a lot of turbulance in the reaction mixture when it fires
If this did not happen, then it is not done. Plug back in the stove, and let it go. This final reaction, is what turns your ephedrine into Chili! What happens, is the contents reach a totally hydrogen state. The last of the I2 has turned into Hydriodic acid and all the oxygen gets pushed out of the flask. This is where you get the pull. Because the Hydrogen State combined with heat creates a pressurized vacuum state. After this final reaction has happened, let the flask cool down, and every 2 minutes, stir the contents. You do this, because when you stir up the contents, you make sure that more ephedrine is turned into Chili. Then when the flask has cooled down to a warm state, keep the nipple hose pinched, and release the vice grips. Place a funnel into the hose, and add distilled water to the funnel, then open the hose and let the water into the flask. Let air get in through the hose because if you don't, then as soon as the water hits the inside of the flask, the vacuum will pick up and suck water from the push/ pull. Add more distilled water and remove the duct tape and stopper. Shake the flask around, and pour the contents into a heavy Vision ware bowl. Add more distilled water to the flask, to clean it out, and add to the Vision ware. Next, place bowl on the stove, and put on high heat. Get a plastic spoon, and wash with distilled water, to use to stir the mix. Place a fan next to the stove to use to cool the bowl down. Stir the contents to a boil, and remove from heat. Turn the fan on, onto the bowl, and let cool down a bit. You will notice that all of your RP has dropped to the bottom of the bowl, and it is ready to filter. You should have a golden colored liquid. Filter, until all the RP is out of the liquid, and place into a rubber maid "server" jug.
Step 4 - Clean up Chili
This is the most important part, and if you follow everything right, you won't even need to wash the shit. Trust me, my chili has never needed washing YET! Almost never leaves a residue in the pipe. Trust me. Where I live. I am just about number one in quality.
I'll be chatting to TOAST about Picts. Okay. Put the yellow colored liquid into the rubber maid server jug from Wal-Mart. This is acid/chili water. Put in a small layer of ice (bag of ice bought from any store, because it's all distilled), then add an equal portion of Coleman fuel. If you don't use ice, you're going to get a volcano eruption of lye/acid/Coleman's all over the place. When the lye hits the acid, it'll heat up and create lot of pressure. The ice keeps this from happening, until you shake up the container.
Next, add about 1/4 can of Red Devil Lye. In mine, it takes about a 1/2 can. However, you don't want to overkill the lye or you'll lose everything. Now screw on the pop top lid, and shake, with small towel over the top just in case of leakage. The jug should heat up and expand, let settle for a second, and undo the pop top to let out pressure, close, and repeat add more lye as you go along, until you get a very strong cat urine/ammonia smell. When your nostrils have received this little message, it's time to let the mix settle, and siphon. Take a large Gatorade bottle, and poke a hole in the screw top. Next, wash out the bottle, and cap thoroughly, using distilled water. Next, siphon the Coleman's, into a filtered funnel, into the Gatorade bottle.
Now, you should have one Gatorade bottle, with chili/Coleman's fuel in it. Add an equal amount of distilled water to this. Then, shake the contents up. Always remember to cover the hole in the top with your finger when shaking. Turn the bottle over, holding the hole closed, and let settle, then with your other hand, grab a 3 way pool test strip and place over a shot glass, then let a small amount of water run over the pH part of the strip the color should be a violet blue. Lots of chili in there folks, so, turn the jug upright again, and remove cap. Next, we have to "push" the chili into the water.
To do this, get some muriatic acid and a small bottle with a dropper type top on it. Fill this with muriatic, and add a small squirt into the bottle. If you look at the water when you do this, you'll see the acid fall to the bottom, and quickly surface. However, with the acid, you'll see ribbons of chili stay in the water. Cover the hole with your finger again, and shake. Turn the bottle over, holding the hole with your finger, and test again. Keep repeating this, until the pH strip turns a reddish pink color. This is the pH level you need to keep. The strip goes yellow, that means there's too much acid and there's nothing you can do about it. At least not, if you haven't saved anything in your shot glass, just take the water from the shot glass, and add it to the jug, then re-test. If the strip is okay, then replace a clean Vision ware bowl on the stove, and drain the water into it. Be careful not to let the Coleman's fuel fall into it, or your chili will be good, but tainted. If some does get through, take lighter, and light the top of the water, and the Coleman's will burn away. Now, turn it up to a boil, and wait until you see it "cracking back". You should have the fan on it, to help it go faster. When it starts to "crack back" lot, remove from heat, and place the bowl in ice water. WARNING. Make sure it's a Corning Vision Ware bowl. The only glass bowl that I know of can go from extreme heat and cold. Other glass bowls would shatter upon even touching the ice cold water. After putting the bowl in ice water, make sure you get a blow dryer and blow air into the bowl to help it dry. If it's liquid after 5 minutes, then replace on the heat for a few more minutes and repeat. If you're too afraid of hurting the chili, then just use the blow dryer to dry the rest of the way.